Andre Viviers | Andre Viviers Custom Handmade Knives and Kitchenware

NameAndre Viviers
Brand nameAndre Viviers Custom Handmade Knives and Kitchenware
Contact Nr0795534363
AreaMonte Vista
Knife showsCape Town Knife Show Mar 2023
1st knife made Bowie style knife, N690 Steel, Gemsbok horn handle with brass and stainless steel bolsters.
Part or Full timePart-time
Signature knivesAll styles, but I enjoy Liner lock folders
Signature SteelMostly N690 and Damascus (self-made)

Basic Introduction
I have always liked the look of a well-made knife and I’ve always worked with my hands. As I started to slow down with my regular work, I started preparing to go into knifemaking when I retire. I started a few years ago and hope to pick up even more momentum in the years to come. I enjoy seeing the ways that my techniques have improved and I enjoy trying new styles of knives. Getting feedback from my customers and people at knife shows has really helped me to improve because then I know I can make a product that caters for individual needs.

Favourite Steel
N690 and Damascus.

Favourite Handle Materials
Wood, Horn and Bone.

Signature product
Kitchenware like pizza cutters and herb cutter.

N690 Bohler, Damascus I make myself and other materials sourced from friends and hunters

The future
I would like to be a full-time knife maker in about 2 years time and hope to be open for more custom orders and designs.

– Best Edged Tool (Novice) in 2023
– 2nd place in a Club Competition for a Loveless Drop Point Hunter in 2017