Michael de Kock | MdK Customs

NameMichael de Kock
Brand nameMdK Customs
Contact Nr072 699 7458
AreaBlouberg Rise, Table View, Western Province
CoursesBasic introduction with Stan Hohowsky
Attended various workshops & demonstrations @ Eyrie Forge
Knife showsCape Knife Club Oct 2021, Mar 2022, Oct 2022
1st knife madeAugust 2018
Part or Full timePart-time
Signature knivesThe Original Handmade Pikstel & Baby Cleaver
Signature SteelOx Wagon Wrought Iron 1085 San Mai

Basic Introduction
The bug bit when I went to my 1st knife show in July 2018 and bought a knife blank from Stan Hohowsky. I did a basic knife introduction with him the next month and from there it just blossomed. I like to think of my work as an artistic impression of what I feel on that day with the martials on hand which has lead to MdK Customs been branded as both a serious & creative product

Favourite Handle Materials
“I only use quality woods that have been stabilized or the oil content is so high that it cannot be stabilised. I enjoy working with natural materials especially with old, rare & unique woods. I have dumpster dived 130-year-old Jarrah that was thrown away during the restoration of Woodbridge Island (competed 1903). I have Padauk that was salvaged from the Kiperousa which sank in 2007 in Port Alfred and the logs where under water for 7 years until a storm dislodged them. I have lots of 100 YO wild olive that was harvested in Tulbagh and then ox wagon rims and spokes that are way over 100 years old. I love using elements of the wild like warthog tusks, springbok/eland/kudo horns, hippo teeth and be assured that they all have been ethically harvested including a bit of scavenging.
I find it a real challenge when people bring me something sentimental and ask me to give it meaning.

Favourite Steel
Reclaimed material and the beauty of wrought iron is what really interests me but most of the custom work is done with high carbon steels like 1070, 1085, 80CV2, 5160 and then I dabble a bit with 14C28N for the fishermen.

Signature product
The Original Handmade Pikstel and Baby Cleavers are firm favourites but the scope of my work extend to hunters, skinners, bush knives and then custom builds especially for that special gift.

Be assured that all my steel is bought from reputable dealers. All my knives are normalised & tempered according to recognised proven methods. All knives are supplied with a Certificate of Manufacture & Guarantee, a care instruction note and where possible a care package

The future
I will focus with the essence of MdK Customs taking what nature & the past gave us and giving it a new meaning and then any custom build that a client need. I see most of my knives been made of Wrought Iron 1085 San Mai which I will forge myself.